Vibro-pressing method

Simultaneous fixing of the screed and the ceramic material with the grout creates strong and homogeneous tie between the substructure and the tiles. The ceramic tile is joined with the undercoat on the entire surface. Thanks to it, floor of exceptional resistance is obtained.

The ceramic tiles are laid very tightly, thanks to which share of grouts in the floor is much smaller than in case of traditional laying. The edges of the tiles are thus protected against damage in an optimum way.

Surface vibration of tiles is a significant element of the vibration technology. As a final effect, a homogeneous and flat surface with high load capacity is created.


Thanks to optimisation of the technological cycle, we obtain considerable effectiveness of the laying (up to 200 m2 of complete floor a day – by means of one team).

Vibropressing is successful wherever it is necessary to minimise the downtime (e.g. renovations) and to shorten the cycle of construction of new facilities.

The one-day cycle includes:

  • Application of concrete screed
  • Laying of ceramic tiles
  • Installation of dilatation strips
  • Surface vibration of ceramic tiles
  • Floor grouting

After laying of the tiles and vibration of the floor, the next activity is grouting. For industrial floors, cement, flexible, resistant to dirtiness grouts or epoxy grouts are recommended.

The floor laid according to the vibration method achieves 90 % of its final resistance already after 10 days from its laying. Full loading of the floor is acceptable after 28 days.